
Photograph of self.

I am an assistant professor and holder of the Sutton Family Chair in Science, Christianity and Cultures at the University of Toronto, with a joint appointment between the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics and St. Michael’s College. I am also a Roman Catholic priest in the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), an international order of brothers and priests founded in 1540 by St. Ignatius of Loyola, and am affiliated with the Vatican Observatory as an associate scholar.

My primary research area is observational cosmology, specifically focussed on the cosmic microwave background and radio intensity mapping. I also seek to contribute to a robust conversation between physical science, philosophy and theology.

Brief Curriculum Vitae


This is a personal website. Nothing on it necessarily represents the positions or opinions of the University of Toronto, St. Michael’s College, the Society of Jesus, the Catholic Church or any of the academic collaborations/entities with which I am affiliated.